Fee Schedule

All fees are payable at the Elbow Lake City Offices.
Our office is located at the north end of the Elbow Lake Community Building.

  • Phone


  • Office Location

    119 Central Avenue North
    Elbow Lake, MN

  • Mailing Address

    City of Elbow Lake
    PO Box 1079
    Elbow Lake, MN 56531


  • Email

    Send A Message

Fee List

Click to expand the lists below and view the current year fees.

$100 Animal pickup fee by E.L. City Crew for animals
brought to the Grant County Humane Society.
$15 Dog or cat license
$15 Chicken permit

$50 Sanford room only
$40 Goetzinger room
$30 Swanson room

$45 picnic shelter
$25 stage
$20 concession stand

$50 standard permit
$100 moving permit
$100 demolition permit
$100 interim use permit
$125 special use permit
$100 variance hearing (regular council meeting)
$225 variance hearing (special council meeting)
$100 “Special” Planning Commission meeting held for
permit consideration (not a regular meeting)
$25 connection fee to city water line
$175 curb valve fee for city water line
$100 connection fee to city sewer line

$1,000 liquor license
$100 off sale liquor license
$100 Sunday liquor license
$25 on sale beer license
$25 off sale beer license
$2 pool table license
$5 game of skill license (video games)

$1,380/yr. all units (new T hanger)
$840/yr. small hanger units (old T hanger)
$960/yr. large hanger units (old T hanger)

$150/mth. rental received

Per hourly rate (unless noted otherwise)

$75 Chevy 1-ton truck with 2 ½ yard box
$150 444 John Deere Pay loader with 2 ¾ bucket
$85 Sterling dump truck with 5 yard box
$85 Ford L 8000 dump truck with 5 yard box
$75 Ford 800 with 5 yard box
$150 John Deere Motor patrol
$200 Pelican Street sweeper
$125 Bobcat
$55 John Deere front mount mower
$100 Jet-Vac 25 gallon capacity
$150 Sewer Jetter
$20 One-half tone Chevy truck
$20 Ford F150 pickup
$150 One ton 52ft bucket truck
$150 Two and one-half ton 45ft bucket truck\
$80 Ditch witch trencher
$20 Ten thousand LB trailer, tandem
$300/day Lazar paint stripper
$150 Digger truck
$120/day Ingersol-Rand 185 air compressor
$100/day Wacker packer
$140 High-Roller wood chipper – for branches up to 6” diameter
$150/day Three-inch trash pump – 328 gallons per minute
$100/day 100 gallon per minute electric 110 plug in pumps


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