Yes, you can, but please keep in mind the guidelines which are in place in our City Ordinances: Chapter 72: Parking. Some specifics include: (1) No automobiles, machinery, or other implements may be parked on a public street within the corporate limits of the city for more than 24 consecutive hours. (2) Every vehicle parked upon any city street with a curb shall be parked parallel to, with the right-hand wheel of the vehicle within 12 inches from the curb. On other streets, a vehicle shall be parked to the right of the main traveled portion, and parallel to, and in a manner that will not interfere with the free flow of traffic.
You may NOT park: on a sidewalk; within 10 feet of a fire hydrant; within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection; for camping purposes, leave or park a house trailer on any street or the right-of-way; or for a vehicle of more than one ton capacity or an overall length of more that 18 feet on nay of the streets as designated by the Council.
For additional details, please see the full ordinance Chapter 72: Parking in the City Ordinance portion of the website.